Tems Cell Planner Software
Finding the best Radio Network Planning and Radio Network Optimization software. 1. Finding The Best Radio Network Planning and Radio Network Optimization Software (A Survey) Muhammad Waqas Akram Waqas.Akram@gmail.com. Telecom Mobile Operators Are Facing Declining Revenues And Increasing Costs That Are Putting Pressure On Their Margins Revenue Drivers.ARPU from.Voice Traffic.SMS Traffic.Data Traffic. Bundled and Flat rates Revenue Costs Cost Drivers.Wages.Electricity/Maintenance.Site lease/rent.Roll out of New Technologies e.g. LTE According to Oliver Wyman1, Network operations constitutes approximately 25% of the total OPEX for a mature market Telco.
Tems Cell Planner, free tems cell planner software downloads. Trusted Windows (PC) download TEMS CellPlanner Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get TEMS CellPlanner alternative downloads. Business Planner Pro Business Planner 2009 Pro is Planium's new business planning software which is.
We can assume that for a growing market operator the cost of Network Operations is higher due to capacity expansion and personnel training OPEX Cost Drivers1 (Mature Market Operator) OPEX Cost Drivers2 (Growing Market Operator) 1. “Increasing Efficiency with Network Status Management” (Oliver Wyman), 2009 2. Assumption The pressure on the margins is also stopping Telcos from new investments. As a result in Developing markets the penetration of new technologies e.g. 3G and LTE is low.
The mobile offerings are outdated and the businesses are struggling to take advantage of the mobile phone service. Radio Network Planning Radio Network Optimization Network Management New Software Deployment Any RNP1 And RNO2 Software That Lacks The Latest Features Defined By Standard Bodies Can Increase The OPEX And CAPEX For Telcos Improper Cell planning and Site planning leading to deployment of more BTSs Growing requirement of network optimization activities e.g. Keyshia cole the way it is kickass torrent. Drive Tests, Antenna tilt changes etc.
More human interaction required for network monitoring, script writing and execution for radio network parameter changes etc. Unnecessary costs can incur e.g.
Trainings of RNP and RNO teams on “wrong” software, swapping old software with software supporting latest features, new licenses etc. Increased CAPEX Increased OPEX Increased OPEX Increased Switching Costs Increasing Costs 1. Radio Network Planning 2. Radio Network Optimization The cost of not using the best available RNP and RNO software can be significant.
We analyzed the opinion of users to see which RNP and RNO software are considered better than their competitors. A Survey Was Conducted To Find The Opinion Of Users Of Radio Network Planning And Radio Network Optimization Software The survey was distributed to the global community of Radio Network Planning and Radio Network Optimization Engineers through Facebook, LinkedIn groups and mailing lists.
The survey can be found at 210Number of respondents who answered all the questions in the survey 9.52% 23.81% 28.57% 4.76% 33.33% Less than 1 year 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years 5 to 7 years More than 7 years Experience of respondents in the fields of Radio Network Planning and Radio Network Optimization 23Number of Mobile Operators with which respondents have worked 13Number of countries in which respondents have worked 26.47% 23.53% 17.65% Top 3 equipment suppliers with whom respondents have worked. “ATOLL” Is The Most Favourite Software. “Site Planning” Is The Most Performed Daily Activity Among The Respondents 47.62% 71.43% 0.00% 19.05% 0.00% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Asset ATOLL TCPU NetAct Other Software Usage 66.67% 76.19% 57.14% 52.38% 33.33% 0.00% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% Site Planning Frequency Planning Neighbour Planning Physical Optimization Database Management Other Daily Activities Respondents were allowed to choose more than one software.
Tems Cell Planner Software
Respondents selected all daily activities which they perform on Radio Network Planning software. 28.6% 23.8% 19.0% 19.0% 9.5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Site Planning Frequency Planning Neighbour Planning Physical Optimization Database Management Activity That Is Performed The Most Respondents were allowed to choose only one option. Site planning is performed mostly on daily basis. However it does not mean that other activities are not performed at all. Respondents were allowed to choose only one option. Database Management is the least performed daily activity.