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Spaceship Ison

Stuff like this freaks me out. A couple days ago I saw some YouTube videos claiming that the 'Comet of the Century,' comet Ison, was a 'spaceship.' The evidence presented a Hubble telescope image of the head of the comet that when darkened, showed that the nucleus seemed to be made up of 3 precisely spaced and geometrically arranged light bars. Normally, I'd put something like this into the same category as videos of Nibiru supposedly setting next to the Sun, but something about it bugged me. It reminded me a bit of an that Hubble captured a couple years ago that looked eerily like an image of the Silver Surfer from the 2nd Fantastic Four movie.  Real Hollywood? First, if the light bar effect was caused by image smear, as I'm sure will be the eventual explanation emanating from NASA, how could it smear in 2 different directions, exactly 120 degrees from each other?

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And how come the bars are so sharp and clear? So I finally decided to see for myself. I went to the Hubble page in question, zoomed out a couple of times until I found the comet, and then hit the 'darken' button a few times. What do you know? Thar she blows! Try it for yourself. Just follow the link below, zoom out a bit and then darken.

Then freak out a little bit. So is it a spaceship? I have no idea. But I've certainly never seen anything like it. So who am I to say no? UPDATE: Here's a video that purports to explain the image: But how come no other comet photographed by Hubble ever looked like this?


Maybe it did.

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Anonymous It does look odd, doesn't it.such a regular shape. But I am led to believe that comets do vent hot gas, dust and vapor into space as they approach the sun, so as the first comment states, these could just be 'hot' spots on the surface of the comet. Also, why would an alien species be traveling at a mere 50,000 mph? That's around 14 miles per second, barely faster than the Voyager probes.

If we can travel at such speeds using conventional chemical rockets, why would a superior extra terrestrial race, capable of interstellar travel be moving at such a pedestrian rate? It just doesn't add up I'm afraid. Why isn't it enough for it to simply be a comet? If it is a space ship heading for earth, it's going at a snails pace!

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EN.LIL A.NA LU.GAL.I Its either a comet that is breaking apart, or it is a recon. Drone coming in stealth. If its a recon. Drone coming in stealth, then humans are in big trouble, and I do mean big trouble. It could be an advanced drone to check out Earth, ahead of the arrival of Nibiru, which is not expected for another few hundred years (since its orbit is about 3,600 years, and the last time they were here was about the time of the creation of the twelve Greek gods, approximately 1,500 BCE). Otherwise, comet ISON is falling apart, and we could be in for some action around December! But if it is a drone, humans have only a few hundred years left to have this planet to do as they wish, then its back to slavery and the mines, and serving their true Gods; some use the term Annunaki, others the Nephilim, and the chosen few use Elohim.

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It matters not. For soon the truth will be known to all. Anonymous I must agree with your assessment. The comet breaking apart theory seems more valid than these other accusations.

At the same time, if it is not breaking apart, another explanation needs to come forward because we may be looking at a very dangerous future here on earth unfortunately. For people to think we are the only intelligence in this massive galaxy, that is beyond me. God could have very well created many species over the span of our lifetime and we would never know. People need to open up their minds to the possibility that we may not be alone for much longer. Anonymous The picture that you see, is the product of 3 layers of exposures using f606w filter.

They are actually taken with with an exposuretime of 440 seconds (I believe) between each shot. In that time the ISON has moved of course and will therefore appear different places in the picture and form what you see. You can actually see what appear to be 3 or 4 strings under the meteor - it is the layers. The top 'wing' is the first picture, the 'cockpit' the second and the last 'wing' is the third. The reason why they take more than 1 picture when 'shooting' space, is because it will depict the brightness of the stars better. What you see on the pictures of the space is not what you will be able to see if you stood at the same place as Hubble. They also edit the pictures with layers of color of blue and red, and the stars suddenly look close to eachother with the same brightness which they of course are not.

Or the thing is are spaceship, but not formed as a boomerang. The image is still the product of three exposures. Sorry for the bad language. Anonymous There's a hole in the theory being given by these armchair scientists. It has been proven that symmetry in nature is an impossibility. Since those vents (or whatever they are) are symmetric and parallel to each other, it dismisses the possibility of them being 'gas' vents.

This object not only shows indications of being unnatural, but manufactured. Whether it's an alien ship or probe is another story. But when you give it some serious thought - and consider what science says about symmetry and nature - what else could it possibly be? Anonymous Press Release: 09.09.13. Please find this follow-up, special Sept 9th interview of Tolec with JP of Ever Beyond & Wolf Spirit Radio:. Announcement: 09.07.13. Regarding the alleged - 'Comet Ison'- to watch a new, detailed, Tolec YouTube video regarding this topic, please go to: Again, it is not a comet.

This is a large scale ship, a biosphere, named Xanterexx, its abbreviated name. This ship is one of a few ships primarily & specifically used for visitation to worlds. Where first contact is about to be established x-). Whatever it is, apparently it seems to make minor course changes and has periods of time when it is stationary. The object does not seem to be a naturally occurring entity and its geometry indicates an synthetic un-identified flying object of some kind. As an interesting after though some claim that the Anunaki are Reptilians while other say that they are Humanoids. IT is almost certainly a fact that they lied to the Sumerians and are not our creators.

Does anyone know where our Binary Brown Dwarf Star is currently in its Elliptical Orbit of Our Sun Helios Prime. Is there a Helion Prime? If so does anyone know where it is located? Or what are some of the new Bright Star like objects which have come into orbit around our Sun, there seem to be about 7 of them which entered visual range (at least to me) in early 2011 and seem to have adopted stationary positions within orbit in our Solar System. How to live 365 days a year free ebook. Possibly having reached relative solar stationary orbit near to the end of 2012.

I am based in London, UK.