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Android Download File Using Download Manager

  1. Android File Manager Download Free
  2. Android Manager Download Free

Jul 17, 2016. We have come up with another amazing tutorial on how to download one or more files using Android Download Manager. The download manager was introduced in Android 2.3 (API level 9). One big advantage of Android Download Manager is that it optimizes the handling of long-running downloads in. Android-Download-Manager Android/Java download manager library help you to download files in parallel mechanism in some chunks. Overview This library is a download manager android/java library which developers can use in their apps and allow you to download files in parallel mechanism in some chunks and notify developers about tasks status (any download file process is a task). Each download task cross 6 stats in its lifetime. init.

ready. downloading. paused. download finished. end Usage In the first stage, you need to include these permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml file.

Public ReportStructure singleDownloadStatus( int token); public List downloadTasksInSameState( int state); public List lastCompletedDownloads; public boolean unNotifiedChecked; public boolean delete( int token, boolean deleteTaskFile); Attention: in this documentation dm stands for DownloadManagerPro object Initialize DownloadManagerPro in order to download with this lib you need to set its basic configurations and give him a listener to poke you about tasks status. Void DownloadManagerPro.init( String saveFilePath, int maxChunk, DownloadManagerListener class).

String saveFilePath: folder address that you want to save your completed download task in it. int maxChunk: number of maximum chunks. Any task is divided into some chunks and download them in parallel. It's better not to define more than 16 chunks; but if you do it's set to 16 automatically. DownloadManagerListener listenerClass in this package an interface created to report developer download tasks status. This interface includes some abstract methods that will be introduced later. Int DownloadManagerPro.addTask( String saveName, String url, int chunk, String sdCardFolderAddress, boolean overwrite, boolean priority) int DownloadManagerPro.addTask( String saveName, String url, String sdCardFolderAddress, boolean overwrite, boolean priority) int DownloadManagerPro.addTask( String saveName, String url, boolean overwrite, boolean priority).

String saveName: defining te name of desired download file. String url: Location of desired downlaod file.

int chunk: Number of chunks which download file has been divided into. String sdCardFolder: Location of where user want to save the file. boolean overwrite: Overwrite if exists another file with the same name. If true, overwrite and replace the file. If false, find new name and save it with new name. boolean priority: Grant priority to more desired files to be downloaded. return int task id: task token Example.

Void DownloadManagerPro.StartQueueDownload( int downloadTaskPerTime, int sortType) throws QueueDownloadInProgressException. int downloadTaskPerTime: the number of task that can be downloaded simultaneously. int sortType: Grant priority to more desired files to be downloaded. QueueSort.HighPriority: only high priority. QueueSort.LowPriority: only low priority. QueueSort.HighToLowPriority: sort queue from high to low priority.

Android File Manager Download Free

QueueSort.LowToHighPriority: sort queue from low to high priority. QueueSort.earlierFirst: sort queue from earlier to oldest tasks.

QueueSort.oldestFirst: sort queue from old to earlier tasks Example. List DownloadManagerPro.downloadTasksInSameState( int state). int state: any download in it's life time across 6 state. TaskState.INIT: task intruduce for library and gave you token back but it didn't started yet.

TaskState.READY: download task data fetch from its URL and it's ready to start. TaskState.DOWNLOADING: download task in downloading process. TaskState.PAUSED: download task in puase state. If in middle of downloading process internet disconnected; task goes to puase state and you can start it later. TaskState.DOWNLOADFINISHED: download task downloaded completely but their chunks did not rebuild. TaskState.END: after rebuild download task chunks, task goes to this state and notified developer with OnDownloadCompleted(long taskToken) interface Example.


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You can reach out to us at our Facebook page or Add us on Twitter. Any ideas or suggestions? Shoot us an email at AndIosJavaC 27-Apr-17 4:06 27-Apr-17 4:06 This is very good article.

Android Manager Download Free

I just wanted to add the code to set the destination file path to sdcard. File destinationFile = new File(mySdCardImagePath, myFileName); request.setDestinationUri(Uri.fromFile(destinationFile)); Last Visit: 31-Dec-99 19:00 Last Update: 26-Dec-17 5:44 1 General News Suggestion Question Bug Answer Joke Praise Rant Admin Use Ctrl+Left/Right to switch messages, Ctrl+Up/Down to switch threads, Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right to switch pages.